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The Bio-medical Wastes means; soiled or blood-soaked bandages, discarded surgical gloves after surgery, IV sets, Urine Bags, Aprons, injections, Syringes, needles, culture dishes and other glassware, discarded surgical instruments scalpels, sharps and needles used to give shots or draw blood, cultures, stocks, little blades, swabs used to inoculate cultures, removed body organs like tonsils, appendices, limbs, etc. Discarding of Bio-medical waste is a must as it is one of the dangerous wastes for human life. This type of waste Incinerators required in Hospitals, Medical Colleges & research Centers. The Discarding of this type of waste is only possible with the correct incinerator system.


What's New

Portable Waste Incinerators Images

Portable Incinerators means Low Capacity, Low Cost Incinerators. If required Portable Incinerators can be developed Mobile/Movable Incinerators which can be taken at the place where Incineration is required for the temperary waste. These type of Incinerators are widely used by the companies providing Incinerators on Rent or Hire and take Jobs of Incineration for different type of Waste like Bio Me[..]

1 01 1 Rs.

Global Enviornment Engineering


Pharmaceutical Waste Incinerators Images

The Pharmaceutical Wastes means; any soiled or liquid waste that is generated while research & development, sampling, testing or production, mainly in Pharmaceutical industry. Discarding of Pharmaceutical waste is a must as it is one of the hazardous wastes for human life and Global Enviornment. The Discarding of this type of Pharma Waste is only possible with the correct Pharmaceutical Incine[..]

1 01 1 Rs.

Global Enviornment Engineering


Solid Waste Incinerators Images

Solid waste means any type of waste that is in Solid/semi solid form; from any industry like Chemicals, Pharmaceutical, Petro Chemicals, Automobile, Textile Products, Hospitals, Slaughter house, Laboratories, Municipals, etc. Solid wastes consist of a large variety of materials. Its Discarding/incineration needs careful operation and safe disposal method which is possible Global Solid Waste Incine[..]

1 01 1 Rs.

Global Enviornment Engineering


Liquid Waste Incinerators Images

Liquid waste means any type of waste that is in liquid form; from any industry like Pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Petro Chemicals, Automobile, Textile, Hospitals, Slaughter house, Laboratories, Municipals, etc. including Black Liquor, Waste Water, Cutting Fluid or other fluids, etc. Liquid wastes also consist of complex mixtures of a large variety of compounds. Its Discarding/incineration needs caref[..]

1 01 1 Rs.

Global Enviornment Engineering


Industrial Waste Incinerators Images

Industrial waste means any liquid, gaseous, solid or waste substance, or a combination thereof, resulting from any process of industry, manufacturing or business or from the development or recovery of any natural resources, that may cause or might reasonably be expected to cause pollution. Industrial wastes consist of complex mixtures of a large variety of compounds. Its Discarding/incineration n[..]

1 01 1 Rs.

Global Enviornment Engineering

