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Diagnostic Reagents

by : Astron Chemicals

Quantity : 1 500g

Price : 560


0 reviews

5609 5

Acetic acid 2% soln.

5608 5

Acetic acid 3% soln.

5610 5

Acetic acid 20% soln.

5602 5

Alkaline copper soln.

5702 5

Barium chloride 10% soln.

5605 6

Benedict’s reagent qualitative

5606 5

Benedict’s reagent quantitative

5612 5

Benzoic acid saturated solution

5607 5

Biuret reagent

5616 3

C.S.F.diluting fluid

5508 3

Diazo reagent A

5509 3

Diazo reagent B

5620 3

Drabkin’s solution

5116 3

Dragendroff’s reagent

5622 5

E.D.T.A.Dipotassium salt 5% soln.

5621 5

E.D.T.A.Disodium salt 5% soln.

5624 3

Ehrlich’s aldehyde reagent for Uro- bilinogen

5623 3

Ehrlich’s aldehyde reagent for porpho- bilinogen

5625 5

Esbach’s reagent

5629 3

Ferric chloride 10% soln.

5628 5

Formal saline soln. for R.B.C.

5523 3

Fouchet’s reagent

5678 5

Gower’s fluid(R.B.C. dil.fluid)

5646 5

Hayem’s soln.for R.B.C.

5151 3

Mayer’s soln.

5145 3

Millon’s reagent

5661 3

Nessler’s reagent(King’s)

5236 3

Nessler’s reagent(for ammonia)

5626 5

Double oxalate soln.

5663 3

Pandy’s reagent

5449 3

Phenol reagent(folin & ciocalteu’s)

5664 5

Phosphate molybdate soln.(folin & wu)

5667 3

Picric acid saturated soln.

5675 5 

Potassium oxalate soln.

5674 5

Potassium oxalate fluoride soln.

5807 3

Rothera’s reagent for acetone

5141 5

Schiff’s reagent

5146 3

Seliwanoff’s reagent

5681 3

Semen diluting fluid

5761 5

Sodium chloride 0.85% solution

5687 5

Sodium citrate 3.8% soln.

5689 5

Sodium tungstate 10% soln.

5161 3

Sulkowitch’s soln.

5692 3

5-sulphosalicylic acid 30% soln.

5693 3

5-sulphosalicylic acid 20% soln

5694 3

5-sulphosalicylic acid 3% soln

5696 5

Sulphuric acid 20%soln.

5575 3

Topfer’s reagent

5698 3

Trichloro acetic acid 10% soln.

5697 3

Uric acid reagent

5697 5

W.B.C. diluting fluid


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