
Posted on - August 05, 2016 03:06:19PM

Product : Packaging/bailing and franking

Here we provides you tender details which is relates with frnaking work, packaging/ bailing. This tender can be of  arranging or numbering examination sheet or tying them with packaging thread.




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HAL Tender Details

Tender Depatment: hindustan aeronautics limited Construction / Renovation of roads (Concrete) under Rural Development at village Hariharpur, Amethi under HAL CSR activities 2016-17. Other Details: HAL/HD/CE/22/2016-17 

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Packaging/bailing and Franking work

Here we provides you tender details which is relates with frnaking work, packaging/ bailing. This tender can be of  arranging or numbering examination sheet or tying them with packaging thread.   nationaltenders.com

Tender for Pressure Calibrator

Supply Of 1 Temperature Calibration, 2 Dry Block Sub-Zero Temperature 3 Dry Block Temperature Calibrator 4 Pressure Calibrator, 5 Black Body Calibration Source, 6 Resistance Temperature Detector And 7 Thermocouple Type E www.nationaltenders.com/details?id=NzU5MjM4Ng==

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