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Posted on - 2016-06-28 06:12:59 PM

Region :National

Printing News

Printing News is the resource for the Commercial printing, visual and graphic arts industries. Since 1928, Printing News has focused on improving efficiency and increasing sales and profits in the print shop. Industry experts share their ideas and te[..]

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profie pic

Posted on - 2016-06-28 05:34:25 PM

Product : Paper printing

Offset Printing

We are designing and printing brochures, catalogues,officet stationary, stickers, labels all kind of paper printing in multi color

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profie pic

Posted on - 2016-06-28 04:37:35 PM

Product : Residential Plotting Projects

Ahmedabad Advertisement

Proposed 6 lane highway 0.5 KMS away Proposed DMIC 1 KMS away from the site Metro Rail 1 KMS away International Airport just 10 KMS away from the site

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Region :National

Mandal-Bechraji SIR revived as Dholera has no take

Gandhinagar: The government of Gujarat (GoG) has decided to revive the Mandal-Bechraji Special Investment Region (SIR) which it had almost dropped due to aggressive protests by farmers. Being a flood-prone area, industrial development in Dholera SIR[..]
