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Pregnancy is the most unique and exciting period of a woman's life. Special care needs to be taken during this time. After delivery special care being provided to child with facilities round the clock with pediatricians, PICU, NICU and specialist in pediatric surgeries Being pregnant is indeed a wonderful experience, and most pregnant Mothers want to have the best possible care for themselves and their babies. The Obstetrics & Gynaecology department of Anand Hospitals is Committed to give the highest standard of care to mothers and the newborns.

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Reconstructive Urology

by : Anand Hospitals

Quantity : 1 01

Price : 1


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This facility at ANAND HospitalS is unique in itself. Well trained surgeon do reconstructive surgery to prevent ablation and provide near normal urinary tract. The surgeries done include renal, ureteric, bladder and, urethral reconstruction, surgeries for VVF, UVF , urinary leak and renal revascularization etc.

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Reconstructive Urology

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