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To serve the comprehensive care in treating Polytrauma multiple injuries, Arthritis, spine and other related problems, anand hospitals has team of eminent Othopaedic surgeons, Joint Repalcement surgeons, Spine surgeons & General surgeons. Availability of multidisciplinary specialty approach under one roof has led reduction in mortality and morbidity rates, that’s why, the patient is assured of the best care & services To serve the comprehensive care in treating Polytrauma multiple injuries, Arthritis, spine and other related problems,.

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Trauma & Accident

by : Anand Hospitals

Quantity : 1 01

Price : 1


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Orthopaedics department is one of the best joint replacement units offering total Joint replacements (both primary and revision) of hip, knee and shoulder. This unit also offers advanced spine surgery involving Moss-Miamis, steffi and lupue instrumentation dealing with spinal trauma and scoliosis. Ilizarov procedures, Cervical Spine surgeries are done routinely. Fully equipped Physiotherapy Unit provides essential backup support.

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